Planet Sutherland are proud to be part of the Highland Climate Festival which is being organised jointly by Highland Adapts and the North Highland Climate Hub
The festival is all about having fun! It’s about celebrating the amazing work that’s going on with the various climate & environmental groups throughout Highland Region and about encouraging more folks to join in. Working together is key to making an impact. We don’t all have to do everything, but all of us doing something will truly make an impact.
Planet Sutherland is out and about just now asking folks what they’d like to do. We could do something to improve recycling or increase food growing & production. We could encourage planting for wildlife. We could help folks to learn more about climate change and why insects and the soil are truly important – and what we can do to fix them.
Our partners in Future Communities Highlands and Islands are already planning things
- Plastic@Bay have an open day planned, helping folks to learn about the ocean plastic problem
- Transition Black Isle are hoping to start their repair cafes
- Lochaber Environmental Group and planning a celebration of everything that’s going on
- And we’re in discussion in what we can do in our Future Communities Highlands and Islands group – perhaps a Great Big Carbon Cafe
But, what would you like to see happen?
Please join the discussion on our Facebook group or contact us directly, thanks.