To find out about our projects and initiatives, click on the topic buttons below. Each topic include information on what it’s about, what you can do to help and how to get involved. Each area includes links to other sites and documents to help with any of your projects or questions.
Community Growing and Orchards
How to Plan and Care for Orchards
How to Start Community Gardens
Crofting, Farming and Climate Change
Go here to read about all of the initiatives looking at commercial food growing and climate change.
Read more here about farm plastic recycling
Climate Change Films and Book Reviews
From books and films to other groups and great web sites. So much information available on climate change.
Climate Films and Documentaries
Book reviews on climate change
Sutherland Environmental Groups and Businesses
Environmental and Climate Memberships
We are proud members of these organisations. Their web sites are packed with some great information.
More Great Climate and Environmental Web Resources
Zero Waste Scotland – Waste Less and Waste Less Facebook Page – a great resource for individuals and business on making energy savings and dealing with waste resource.
Centre For Alternative Technology
The Keep Scotland Beautiful website is packed full of information and they also run courses helping individuals and groups to comprehend climate change and figure out what to do.
The Lairg Learning Centre run lots of great courses and talks on reducing waste and growing food etc
The Guardian Newspaper Environmental News has good coverage on many environmental and climate crisis topics. – climate change facts and lots of graphics – go here if you want to know more about using food better – a must join network for all climate change groups in Scotland
Amazing stuff going on in Forres
Calculate your business carbon foot-print –
Paul Beckwith is an independent climate scientist who is focussed on collating and interpreting current research making it easier for us all to understand.
FutureLearn has some very interesting climate change courses including this one –
Climate resources for Schools and Teachers – How to build climate and global learning into the curriculum and loads of exciting projects – some fantastic social enterprise ventures being run in schools
And there’s more information on our projects with kids and useful links here.
Please contact us to add any good links here – we know there are lots more!