Wow!! We’ve done it!! And thank you for visiting our new web site.
Our site started off as a blogger site to allow us to build up the look and feel of it and really to determine more about what our projects may be like. Of course, everything has been significantly curbed by Covid – we are essentially one whole year behind where we would like to have been.
However, that has given us a little time to develop our new site.
After a little bit of sluething – we were delighted to find who offer free hosting to charities. You can read all about them and what the offer here.
Free Charity Hosting by KualoWe then spent a little while looking at various tools to build the pages, and ended up using WordPress. So apart from the time we’ve spent building this and with lots of tech help from one of our members – Alex at – it’s cost nothing. Good news for charities! Thanks also to everyone else who has helped with reviewing text, helping us over some wee hurdles with WordPress usage, and for providing the excellent photos of our beautiful Sutherland scenery.
There are sure to be some typos and some wee errors – when you find them, please email us directly – to oneplanetsutherland at
Many thanks and looking forward to building some great content and posts to help our Planet Sutherland goals and dreams.